Friends of the MTC

We are a network of friends of the Movement of Workers and Rural Workers - MTC in Brazil, we emerged in the countries of Europe in November 2018, composed of organisations and individuals aiming to support the struggle of the MTC for social justice, permanence on the land and guarantee of Human rights in Brazil.


Our focus is to work to build international solidarity with the TCM in the process of supporting educational projects, economic justice and sustainable development, renewable energy, climate policy, social justice, agroecology and women's empowerment, democratization, smallholder issues and land conflicts.


Our work is materialized in giving voice to the MTC in the world through sharing of information, organization of events, exchange and publications about the actions of the Movement of Farm Workers in Brazil.


Thus we are the right channel of the international community with TCM in Brazil. Communicating with the English, German, Dutch, French, Spanish, and Italian speaking world.


If you wish to get to know us, access the TCM website in Portuguese language: MTC Brasil (

Get involved

If you want to support the TCM or our work, there are several ways you can get involved in our network, be a member. Join us!

Be part of our network, because members are the source of our greatest strength. We are a small team and our work is entirely possible thanks to the dedication of supporters like you. There can be no victory without your voice, your dedication, your struggle and your support. When we are together, nothing can stop us.

So for you to be part of our network, you must make a monthly contribution starting at 5 euros/franc/dollar/pound and also when possible taking on a specific voluntary task such as:

  • Organise a TCM Friends nucleus in your city
  • Seek new donors and members
  • Elaboration of projects and search for funders
  • Voluntary translation of TCM material
  • Organizing events such as a talk, lecture and party to promote and raise funds for TCM
  • Organize a home exhibition/film
  • Organize a visit of a TCM leader in your city.
  • Organize in group or personally to visit and meet in Brazil the TCM and its communities.
  • Make a donation to one of our projects.

So when you become a member you choose the task you most identify with and can carry out in a voluntary and effective way.

Transparency in the application of resources

Transparency in the application of resources

Friends, we want to be transparent, so we are committed to publishing the application of resources received on the site. The resources will be organized as follows: 60% is destined for direct work with our base and 40%. The resources received will be used for the following purposes:

  1. Transformation of society through changes in social structures and unfair systems that oppress people and reduce the possibilities of development of communities, especially small farmers;
  2. To help in the maintenance of the MTC with administrative cost, however all the action of the network friends itself is executed in a voluntary way;
  3. To pay for legal services, since the MTC's positions and denunciations of social injustice processes often require recourse to the judiciary.

We need you, so get involved

If you believe in a healthy, peaceful, dignified and just world for all, then we're by your side to achieve it, whether it's taking action in the streets, on the internet, in small communities, in the great halls of power or in the most remote places on the planet. If you have ideas on how to get there faster, we want to learn from you. Let's dream, plan and act together.

Come with us and make a donation.

O que estão falando sobre o MTC.

  • O MTC é uma ação profética para luta dos excluídos do campo, porque precisamos lutar por justiça social e para que os camponeses permaneçam na terra.

    Padre Ari Reis - Coord. do Setor Social da CNBB
  • O MTC esta de parabéns porque só com a organização do povo em pequenas redes como os grupos de base será possível fazer grandes transformações na sociedade, por isso não poderia deixa de vir aqui porque eu acredito no MTC.

    Dra. Marina Gurgel - Juíza de Direito do Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ)
  • Hoje vem em nome do Presidente da republica boliviana Nicolas maduroe em nome do povo venezuelano venho manifestar nosso apoio ao MTC Brasil porque e um movimento revolucionário e queremos agradece o apoio que recebemos dessa organizações camponesa do brasil ao povo venezuelano.

    Diego Alfredo Molero Bellavia - Embaixador da Venezuela
  • A palavra que eu diria ao MTC é que está na hora de vocês se unirem entre si e com diversas organizações populares de maneira a ter uma força a partir da nossa fraqueza criar um verdadeira pátria de desejo de mudança olhar o brasil que nós queremos a pátria do nossos sonhos.

    Dom Tomás Balduíno
  • Amigos trabalhadores das diversas situações no Mundo. Nossa reunião em Santa Cruz, em vosso nome: o nosso pensamento é que se possa encontrar a vossa situação digna e mérito caridoso do vosso do estado de Imagem e semelhança do Senhor. Que o Senhor que criou o Trabalho lhes sustente para poder levar a dignidade deste Movimento dos Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras do Campo.

    Cardeal Turkson - Presidente da Comissão de Paz e Justiça do Vaticano

Seja Voluntário

O que acontece após se cadastrar como voluntário?